Purchase an AxoGraph License
License Types
There are Two Types of AxoGraph License :
- Lab (data acquisition and analysis)
- Office (analysis only)
A 'Lab' license includes all the features of an 'Office' license.
Each license permits use of AxoGraph on a single computer.
A license can be moved between computers using the 'AxoGraph License Manager' application.
Feature Overview
(A more detailed feature list is available here)
- Chart recorder
- Digital oscilloscope
- Protocol-driven episodic acquisition with complex output waveforms
- Electrophysiology tools
- Test pulse measures electrode resistance, cell capacitance and membrane resistance
- P/N leak subtraction for voltage-clamp step protocols
- Digitizers currently supported:
- HEKA LIH 8+8 - this is the recommended digitizer to use with AxoGraph
- Instrutech (ITC-1600, ITC-16, ITC-18, USB-16 and USB-18)
- Molecular Devices Digidata 1440A (Windows XP only)
- Molecular Devices Digidata 1320A, 1321A and 1322A (Windows XP and OS X)
- National Instruments Multifunction I/O Devices (Windows XP full support: OS X partial support)
- A Lab license incorporates all the features of an Office license
- Data analysis
- Point and click measurement
- Automatic peak measurement
- Curve fitting
- Statistics
- Much more...
- Graphics
- Easily browse and reorganize data
- Many scientific graph styles
- Export to presentation and page layout programs
- Event detection package
- useful for analyzing spontaneous events, including minis (mPSPs, mPSCs) and action potential field recordings
- shape recognition options - sort events into different shape categories
- reliable detection under low signal-to-noise conditions
- Electrophysiology analysis and modeling
- Automated I-V curves
- Variance-mean analysis
- Model synaptic amplitude fluctuations
- Receptor/channel modeling (aka chemical-kinetic or Markov model)
- Voltage- and ligand-gated channels
- Stochastic mode for single-channel simulations